Friday, May 7, 2010

Our House Full

Early one cold December morning ( sound sorta like 'once upon a time?'), our pad took on an extremely frightening look. It hit me bright and early. Wham! front and center. Overnight, our spacious ranch style home (5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms and swimming pool) became a continuous pile of stuff. Were we in a pickle? Holiday time? Company?

Super sleuths not needed to search for the origin of this 'house full'. I knew that it had to be our brains...of course! Everyone knows the brain sees emptiness, senses the need for completeness, and fills things up with stuff. This time, my brain had gone overboard as we were brimming.

Our long range plan had been to 'downsize'. But when you need to plans can be changed real quick. We set put 'down sizing" into action. Within days, we were moved. Our living style changed into 4 bedroom, 2 bath, no swimming pool, comfy abode. Except that this well matched couple really "love their stuff!" so, stuff came with us. What a move! Only a million and one trips .5 blocks east and .5 blocks south and we were home, with all the stuff. Our parents being depression teens had taught us well. We learned well about the 'starving children in China' and 'save that____, you never know when you'll need it'. We have downsized, a comfy house full..and lots of stuff. Thus, the evolution of Have Scraps, Must Quilt.


  1. I need to downsize did it in my last move now I have more stuff then ever before because I am a crafter! have wonderful Sunday1

  2. Hello, thanks so much for visiting my blog and as a follower. Also for leaving me a comment.
    About the '2008 finishes' you mentioned those were needlecase/needlebooks, so it's for needles. I do hope you were able to read this as i see you haven't had updated lately and can't find an e-mail address to write to you directly.

  3. Come back come back...I know blogging can be discouraging but hang in just have to follow alot of people than they start following you.
    Love ya,Debbie
